Central Heating Timer Python Supervisor

Below is the Python Tkinter program used to supervise the central heating timer. Beware, this code window has the scrollbar at the bottom of the page which can be a pain as a few lines are too long – sorry! – I’ll get round to sorting it! Sorry, also, for poor programming style and not enough comments!

Central heating timer logo
# GUI to control Feather timer/controller
# by Julian Rogers
# master_controller_1
# error handling now improved
# version has reduced window size to fit on Pi 7" screen
# this version does self-refresh
# *adds controller selection including 13 AMP switch*
# note difference in window size & timeout compared to Windows version
# as data regarding date etc can't be fitted in screen-space available
IP = "xxxx" # remote ip address - add your own - boiler, room & 13 amp are other controllers
# about the house. clicking on the name button switches controllers
IP_BOILER = "xxxx"
IP_ROOM = "xxxx"
IP_13amp = "xxxx"
DEST_PORT = 8888    #destination port
THIS_PORT = xxxx     #port on this computer
BUTTON_1 = "light yellow"       #buttons: advance, load, refresh
BUTTON_2 =  "cornflower blue"     #update buttons
from tkinter import *   #GUI
import datetime
import time
import socket           #UDP
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# create the root window
root = Tk()
# modify the window
root.title("Julian's IOT CONTROLLER")
root.configure(bg = BACKGROUND)
#root.attributes('-fullscreen', True)   #eliminates the title bar
w, h = root.winfo_screenwidth(), root.winfo_screenheight()
root.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w, h))
# create a frame
app = Frame(root)
app.configure(bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_time = Label(app, text = "Time > ", font = ( "Arial ", 16), fg = "black", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_time.grid(row = 2, column = 2, sticky = E)
# create labels for minutes and hours display
# This is a bodge for aesthetc reasons! Labels are unseen and just used to store values
# until I get round to a more efficient solution!
hour_lab = Label(app, text = "00", font = ("Arial", 4), fg = BACKGROUND, bg = BACKGROUND)
hour_lab.grid(row = 2, column = 3, sticky = E)
lbl_colon = Label(app, text = ":", font = ( "Arial", 4), fg = BACKGROUND, bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_colon.grid(row = 2, column = 4, sticky = W)
mins_lab = Label(app, text = "00", font = ("Arial", 4), fg = BACKGROUND, bg = BACKGROUND)
mins_lab.grid(row = 2, column = 5, sticky = W)
time_but = Button(app, text = "00" + ":" + "00", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "maroon", bg = BUTTON_2)
time_but.grid(row = 2, column = 3, sticky = W)
#blank row
blank_row = Label(app, text = "",  fg = "black", bg = BACKGROUND)
blank_row.grid(row = 7, column = 1)
#heating and water label
lbl_heating = Label(app, text = "SYS. A ", font = ( "Arial ", 16), fg = "maroon", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_heating.grid(row = 2, column = 6, columnspan = 4, sticky = E)
# effectively create blank column
lbl_row = Label(app, text = "    ",  bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_row.grid(row = 2, column = 11)  
lbl_water = Label(app, text = "SYS. B ", font = ( "Arial ", 16), fg = "maroon", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_water.grid(row = 2, column = 11, columnspan = 4, sticky = E)
# labels for heating and water on off times
lbl_time_on1 = Label(app, text = "On 1- ", font = ( "Arial ", 16), fg = "black", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_time_on1.grid(row = 3, column = 6, sticky = E)
lbl_time_off1 = Label(app, text = "Off 1- ", font = ( "Arial ", 16), fg = "black", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_time_off1.grid(row = 4, column = 6, sticky = E)
lbl_time_on2 = Label(app, text = "On 2- ", font = ( "Arial ", 16), fg = "black", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_time_on2.grid(row = 5, column = 6, sticky = E)
lbl_time_off2 = Label(app, text = "Off 2- ", font = ( "Arial ", 16), fg = "black", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_time_off2.grid(row = 6, column = 6, sticky = E)
lbl_advance_status = Label(app, text = "Advance ", font = ( "Arial ", 16), fg = "black", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_advance_status.grid(row = 5, column = 2, sticky = E)
#create a button to update on / off times on remote timer -------------------------------------------
def update_times():
lbl_feedback.config(text = "updating on / off times ... ")
#onoff_times = StringVar()
onoff_times = water_on1_hour_label.cget("text") + "," + water_on1_mins_label.cget("text") + "," +\
water_off1_hour_label.cget("text") + "," + water_off1_mins_label.cget("text") + "," +\
water_on2_hour_label.cget("text") + "," + water_on2_mins_label.cget("text") + "," +\
water_off2_hour_label.cget("text") + "," + water_off2_mins_label.cget("text") + "," +\
heat_on1_hour_label.cget("text") + "," + heat_on1_mins_label.cget("text") + "," +\
heat_off1_hour_label.cget("text") + "," + heat_off1_mins_label.cget("text") + "," +\
heat_on2_hour_label.cget("text") + "," + heat_on2_mins_label.cget("text") + "," +\
heat_off2_hour_label.cget("text") + "," + heat_off2_mins_label.cget("text") 
lbl_feedback_2.config(text = onoff_times)
sock.sendto(bytes(onoff_times, "utf-8") , (IP, DEST_PORT))
update_times_but = Button(app, text = "Load on/off", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "black", bg = BUTTON_1, command = update_times)
update_times_but.grid(row = 8, column = 12, columnspan = 5, sticky = W)
# labels to show heat on/off times
heat_on1_hour_label = Label(app, text = "00", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
heat_on1_hour_label.grid(row = 3, column = 7, sticky = E)
#colon label
lbl_colon2 = Label(app, text = ":", font = ( "Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_colon2.grid(row = 3, column = 8)
heat_on1_mins_label = Label(app, text = "00", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
heat_on1_mins_label.grid(row = 3, column = 9, sticky = W)
heat_off1_hour_label = Label(app, text = "00", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
heat_off1_hour_label.grid(row = 4, column = 7, sticky = E)
#colon label
lbl_colon3 = Label(app, text = ":", font = ( "Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_colon3.grid(row = 4, column = 8)
heat_off1_mins_label = Label(app, text = "00", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
heat_off1_mins_label.grid(row = 4, column = 9, sticky = W)
heat_on2_hour_label = Label(app, text = "00", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
heat_on2_hour_label.grid(row = 5, column = 7, sticky = E)
#colon label
lbl_colon3 = Label(app, text = ":", font = ( "Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_colon3.grid(row = 5, column = 8)
heat_on2_mins_label = Label(app, text = "00", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
heat_on2_mins_label.grid(row = 5, column = 9, sticky = W)
heat_off2_hour_label = Label(app, text = "00", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
heat_off2_hour_label.grid(row = 6, column = 7, sticky = E)
#colon label
lbl_colon4 = Label(app, text = ":", font = ( "Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_colon4.grid(row = 6, column = 8)
heat_off2_mins_label = Label(app, text = "00", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
heat_off2_mins_label.grid(row = 6, column = 9, sticky = W)
#advance buttons
heat_advance_but = Button(app, text = "N", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "maroon", bg = BUTTON_1)
heat_advance_but.grid(row = 5, column = 3, columnspan = 6, sticky = W)
def heat_adv():
but_text = heat_advance_but.config('text')[-1]
if but_text == "Y":
but_text = "N"
but_text = "Y"
heat_advance_but.config(text = but_text)
other_but = water_advance_but.config("text")[-1]
lbl_feedback_2.config(text = but_text + other_but)
sock.sendto(bytes(but_text + other_but, "utf-8") , (IP , DEST_PORT))
heat_advance_but.config(command = heat_adv)
water_advance_but = Button(app, text = "N", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "maroon", bg = BUTTON_1)
water_advance_but.grid(row = 5, column = 4, columnspan = 6, sticky = W)
def water_adv():
but_text = water_advance_but.config('text')[-1]
if but_text == "Y":
but_text = "N"
but_text = "Y"
water_advance_but.config(text = but_text)
other_but = heat_advance_but.config("text")[-1]
lbl_feedback_2.config(text = but_text + other_but)
sock.sendto(bytes(other_but + but_text, "utf-8") , (IP , DEST_PORT))
water_advance_but.config(command = water_adv)
# labels to show water on/off times
water_on1_hour_label = Label(app, text = "00", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
water_on1_hour_label.grid(row = 3, column = 12, sticky = E)
#colon label
lbl_colon4 = Label(app, text = ":", font = ( "Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_colon4.grid(row = 3, column = 13)
water_on1_mins_label = Label(app, text = "00",  font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
water_on1_mins_label.grid(row = 3, column = 14, sticky = W)
water_off1_hour_label = Label(app, text = "00",  font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
water_off1_hour_label.grid(row = 4, column = 12, sticky = E)
#colon label
lbl_colon5 = Label(app, text = ":", font = ( "Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_colon5.grid(row = 4, column = 13)
water_off1_mins_label = Label(app, text = "00", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
water_off1_mins_label.grid(row = 4, column = 14, sticky = W)
water_on2_hour_label = Label(app, text = "00", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
water_on2_hour_label.grid(row = 5, column = 12, sticky = E)
#colon label
lbl_colon6 = Label(app, text = ":", font = ( "Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_colon6.grid(row = 5, column = 13)
water_on2_mins_label = Label(app, text = "00", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
water_on2_mins_label.grid(row = 5, column = 14, sticky = W)
water_off2_hour_label = Label(app, text = "00", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
water_off2_hour_label.grid(row = 6, column = 12, sticky = E)
#colon label
lbl_colon7 = Label(app, text = ":", font = ( "Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_colon7.grid(row = 6, column = 13)
water_off2_mins_label = Label(app, text = "00", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
water_off2_mins_label.grid(row = 6, column = 14, sticky = W)
#create blank row in effect
blank_row2 = Label(app, text = " ",  bg = BACKGROUND)
blank_row2.grid(row = 9, column = 6)
#label to show switch status on remote timer
lbl_switch_status = Label(app, text = "Switch ", font = ( "Arial ", 16), fg = "black", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_switch_status.grid(row = 4, column = 2, sticky = E)
sw_heatstat_but = Button(app, text = "T", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "maroon", bg = "grey")
sw_heatstat_but.grid(row = 4, column = 3, sticky = W)
sw_waterstat_but = Button(app, text = "T", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "maroon", bg = "grey")
sw_waterstat_but.grid(row = 4, column = 4, sticky = W)
#create blank row in effect
blank_row3 = Label(app, text = " ",  bg = BACKGROUND)
blank_row3.grid(row = 12, column = 6)
# labels to show remote temperature sensor values etc
lbl_temp_sensor1 = Label(app, text = "Temp 1 > ", font = ( "Arial ", 16), fg = "black", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_temp_sensor1.grid(row = 7, column = 1, columnspan = 4, sticky = W)
lbl_temp_sensor2 = Label(app, text = "Temp 2 > ", font = ( "Arial ", 16), fg = "black", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_temp_sensor2.grid(row = 8, column = 1, columnspan = 4, sticky = W)
temp_sensor1_label = Label(app, text = "00.0", font = ("Arial bold", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
temp_sensor1_label.grid(row = 7, column = 3, sticky = W)
temp_sensor2_label = Label(app, text = "00.0", font = ("Arial bold", 16), fg = "red", bg = BACKGROUND)
temp_sensor2_label.grid(row = 8, column = 3, sticky = W)
lbl_thermostat = Label(app, text = "Stat", font = ( "Arial ", 16), fg = "black", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_thermostat.grid(row = 9, column = 2, columnspan = 2, sticky = W)
#option menu to ser thermostat value
var3 = StringVar(app)
var3.set("18") # initial value
thermostat_opt_men = OptionMenu(app,var3, "8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20","21","22","23","24","25")
thermostat_opt_men.config(font = ("Arial", 14), fg = "black", bg = BUTTON_1, width = 2)
thermostat_opt_men.grid(row = 10, column = 1, columnspan = 2, sticky = W)
#create a button to update thermostat setting
def update_thermo():
lbl_feedback.config(text = "updating stat setting...      ")
thermo_str = var3.get() + "0"
lbl_feedback_2.config(text = thermo_str)
sock.sendto(bytes(thermo_str, "utf-8") , (IP, DEST_PORT))
update_thermo_but = Button(app, text = "New Set", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "black", bg = BUTTON_1, command = update_thermo)
update_thermo_but.grid(row = 10, column = 3, columnspan = 3, sticky = W)
#create blank row in effect
blank_row4 = Label(app, text = " ",  bg = BACKGROUND)
blank_row4.grid(row = 16, column = 2)
blank_row5 = Label(app, text = " ",  bg = BACKGROUND)
blank_row5.grid(row = 17, column = 2)
#create a button to refresh all values as stored on timer 
def get_data_remote():
response = bytes("0/00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00T0S0A0t0", "utf-8")
#not on Feather version
#lbl_feedback.config(text = "Data from remote is...")
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.sendto(bytes("r", "utf-8") , (IP, DEST_PORT))
response = sock.recv(100)
except socket.error:
lbl_feedback.config(text = "timed out!")
response = bytes("0/00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00T0S0A0t0", "utf-8")
response = str(response, "utf-8")
#not pn Feather version
#lbl_feedback_2.config(text = response)
tim, other_data1 = response.split("/")
except ValueError:
response = bytes("0/00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00T0S0A0t0", "utf-8")
response = str(response, "utf-8")
tim, other_data1 = response.split("/")
on_offs, other_data2 = other_data1.split("T")
temp_sensor , other_data3 = other_data2.split("S")
switch_mode, other_data4 = other_data3.split("A")
advance_mode, thermo_setting = other_data4.split("t")
thermo_setting = thermo_setting[0:2]
#lbl_feedback_2.config(text = on_offs)
tim_int = int(tim)
clock_hrs = tim_int // 60
clock_mins = tim_int % 60
if clock_hrs < 10:
clock_hrs_str = "0" + str(clock_hrs)
clock_hrs_str = str(clock_hrs)
if clock_mins < 10:
clock_mins_str = "0" + str(clock_mins)
clock_mins_str = str(clock_mins)
hour_lab.config(text = clock_hrs_str)         
mins_lab.config(text = clock_mins_str)
time_but.config(text = clock_hrs_str + ":" + clock_mins_str) 
a_status_int = int(advance_mode)
adv_status = ("N","Y")
h_adv_status = adv_status[a_status_int % 2]
w_adv_status = adv_status[a_status_int // 2]
s_mode_int = int(switch_mode)
sw_condition = ("T","O","C")
w_mode_str = sw_condition[s_mode_int // 3]
h_mode_str = sw_condition[s_mode_int % 3]
water_advance_but.config(text = w_adv_status)
heat_advance_but.config(text = h_adv_status)
sw_heatstat_but.config(text = h_mode_str)
sw_waterstat_but.config(text = w_mode_str)
hon1_hrs,hon1_mins,hoff1_hrs,hoff1_mins,hon2_hrs,hon2_mins,hoff2_hrs, hoff2_mins = on_offs.split(",",15)
heat_on1_hour_label.config(text = hon1_hrs)
heat_on1_mins_label.config(text = hon1_mins)
heat_off1_hour_label.config(text = hoff1_hrs)
heat_off1_mins_label.config(text = hoff1_mins)
heat_on2_hour_label.config(text = hon2_hrs)
heat_on2_mins_label.config(text = hon2_mins)
heat_off2_hour_label.config(text = hoff2_hrs)
heat_off2_mins_label.config(text = hoff2_mins)
water_on1_hour_label.config(text = won1_hrs)
water_on1_mins_label.config(text = won1_mins)
water_off1_hour_label.config(text = woff1_hrs)
water_off1_mins_label.config(text = woff1_mins)
water_on2_hour_label.config(text = won2_hrs)
water_on2_mins_label.config(text = won2_mins)
water_off2_hour_label.config(text = woff2_hrs)
water_off2_mins_label.config(text = woff2_mins)
temperature = float(temp_sensor)
temperature = temperature / 10
temp_sensor = str(temperature)
temp_sensor1_label.config(text = temp_sensor )
# determine whether boiler is actually on or off
# first is it timed to be on?
wonh1 = int(won1_hrs)
wonm1 = int(won1_mins)
wonm1 = wonh1 * 60 + wonm1
woffh1 = int(woff1_hrs)
woffm1 = int(woff1_mins)
woffm1 = woffh1 * 60 + woffm1
wonh2 = int(won2_hrs)
wonm2 = int(won2_mins)
wonm2 = wonh2 * 60 + wonm2
woffh2 = int(woff2_hrs)
woffm2 = int(woff2_mins)
woffm2 = woffh2 * 60 + woffm2
honh1 = int(hon1_hrs)
honm1 = int(hon1_mins)
honm1 = honh1 * 60 + honm1
hoffh1 = int(hoff1_hrs)
hoffm1 = int(hoff1_mins)
hoffm1 = hoffh1 * 60 + hoffm1
honh2 = int(hon2_hrs)
honm2 = int(hon2_mins)
honm2 = honh2 * 60 + honm2
hoffh2 = int(hoff2_hrs)
hoffm2 = int(hoff2_mins)
hoffm2 = hoffh2 * 60 + hoffm2
if (honm1 <= tim_int < hoffm1) or (honm2 <= tim_int < hoffm2):
heat = True
heat = False
if (wonm1 <= tim_int < woffm1) or  (wonm2 <= tim_int < woffm2):
water = True
water = False
# next what about advance status?    
if a_status_int == 1 or a_status_int == 3:
heat = not heat
if a_status_int == 2 or a_status_int == 3:
water = not water
# finally what about the over ride switches?
if w_mode_str == "O":
water = False
if w_mode_str == "C":
water = True
if h_mode_str == "O":
heat = False
if h_mode_str == "C":
heat = True
if heat and  temperature < float(thermo_setting):
bheat_but.config(bg = "orange red", fg = "orange red")
if heat and temperature >= float(thermo_setting):
bheat_but.config(bg = "sandy brown", fg = "sandy brown")
if not heat:
bheat_but.config(bg = "black", fg = "black")
if water:
bwater_but.config(bg = "orange red", fg = "orange red")
bwater_but.config(bg = "black", fg = "black")
# end of boiler on off question!
#i = datetime.now()
today = datetime.date.today()
tt = today.timetuple()
dayof_week = tt.tm_wday
month_num = tt.tm_mon
month_num = month_num - 1
dayof_mon = tt.tm_mday
hour = tt.tm_hour
mins = tt.tm_min
year = tt.tm_year
year = year % 2000
day = ("Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun")
month_names = ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")  
#not on Feather version
#lbl_feedback_3.config(text = "Comp time " + time.strftime('%H:%M'))
#not on Feather version    
#refresh_but = Button(app, text = "Refresh", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "black", bg = BUTTON_1, command = get_data_remote)
#refresh_but.grid(row = 13, column = 1, columnspan = 2, sticky = W)
# option menues to set minutes and hours
var6 = StringVar(app)
var6.set("00") # initial value
hour_opt_men = OptionMenu(app,var6,"00","01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10",\
hour_opt_men.config(font = ("Arial", 14), fg = "black", bg = BUTTON_2, width = 2)
hour_opt_men.grid(row = 10, column = 12, columnspan = 2, sticky = W)
# minutes only multiples of 5 as 60 options do not fit on the Pi screen!
var7 = StringVar(app)
var7.set("00") # initial value
min_opt_men = OptionMenu(app,var7,"00","05","10","15","20","25","30","35","40","45","50","55")
min_opt_men.config(font = ("Arial", 14), fg = "black", bg = BUTTON_2, width = 2)
min_opt_men.grid(row = 10, column = 14, columnspan = 2, sticky = W)
lbl_time_set = Label(app, text = "Time Set hh:mm", font = ( "Arial ", 16), fg = "black", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_time_set.grid(row = 9, column = 12, columnspan = 6, sticky = W)
def upd_time():
mins_lab.config(text = var7.get())
hour_lab.config(text = var6.get())
time_but.config(text = var6.get() + ":" + var7.get())
def update_hon1():
heat_on1_hour_label.config(text = var6.get())
heat_on1_mins_label.config(text = var7.get())
def update_hoff1():
heat_off1_hour_label.config(text = var6.get())
heat_off1_mins_label.config(text = var7.get())
def update_hon2():
heat_on2_hour_label.config(text = var6.get())
heat_on2_mins_label.config(text = var7.get())
def update_hoff2():
heat_off2_hour_label.config(text = var6.get())
heat_off2_mins_label.config(text = var7.get())
def update_won1():
water_on1_hour_label.config(text = var6.get())
water_on1_mins_label.config(text = var7.get())
def update_woff1():
water_off1_hour_label.config(text = var6.get())
water_off1_mins_label.config(text = var7.get())
def update_won2():
water_on2_hour_label.config(text = var6.get())
water_on2_mins_label.config(text = var7.get())
def update_woff2():
water_off2_hour_label.config(text = var6.get())
water_off2_mins_label.config(text = var7.get())
#update heat times from time entry
update_hon1_but = Button(app, text = "U", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "black", bg = BUTTON_2, command = update_hon1)
update_hon1_but.grid(row = 3, column = 10, columnspan = 1, sticky = W)
update_hoff1_but = Button(app, text = "U", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "black", bg = BUTTON_2, command = update_hoff1)
update_hoff1_but.grid(row = 4, column = 10, columnspan = 1, sticky = W)
update_hon2_but = Button(app, text = "U", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "black", bg = BUTTON_2, command = update_hon2)
update_hon2_but.grid(row = 5, column = 10, columnspan = 1, sticky = W)
update_hoff2_but = Button(app, text = "U", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "black", bg = BUTTON_2, command = update_hoff2)
update_hoff2_but.grid(row = 6, column = 10, columnspan = 1, sticky = W)
#update water times from time entry
update_won1_but = Button(app, text = "U", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "black", bg = BUTTON_2, command = update_won1)
update_won1_but.grid(row = 3, column = 15, columnspan = 1, sticky = W)
update_woff1_but = Button(app, text = "U", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "black", bg = BUTTON_2, command = update_woff1)
update_woff1_but.grid(row = 4, column = 15, columnspan = 1, sticky = W)
update_won2_but = Button(app, text = "U", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "black", bg = BUTTON_2, command = update_won2)
update_won2_but.grid(row = 5, column = 15, columnspan = 1, sticky = W)
update_woff2_but = Button(app, text = "U", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "black", bg = BUTTON_2, command = update_woff2)
update_woff2_but.grid(row = 6, column = 15, columnspan = 1, sticky = W)
# feedback label 1
lbl_feedback = Label(app, text = "", font = ( "Arial Bold", 13), fg = "black", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_feedback.grid(row = 10, column = 6, columnspan = 6, sticky = W)
# feedback label 2
lbl_feedback_2 = Label(app, text = "", font = ( "Arial Bold", 8), fg = "black", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_feedback_2.grid(row = 13, column = 6, columnspan = 13, sticky = W)
# feedback label 3
lbl_feedback_3 = Label(app, text = "", font = ( "Arial Bold", 13), fg = "black", bg = BACKGROUND)
lbl_feedback_3.grid(row = 2, column = 4, columnspan = 6, sticky = W)
# clear feedback
def clear_feedback():
lbl_feedback.config(text = "")
lbl_feedback_2.config(text = "")
lbl_feedback_3.config(text = "")
# reset button
def reset_timer():
lbl_feedback.config(text = "")
lbl_feedback_2.config(text = "")
lbl_feedback_3.config(text = "")
sock.sendto(bytes("xxxx", "utf-8") , (IP, DEST_PORT))
#reset not implemented in feather controller at this time    
#reset_but = Button(app, text = "reset", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "black", bg = "grey", command = reset_timer)
#reset_but.grid(row = 13, column = 3, columnspan = 2, sticky = E)
# boiler on "buttons)
bheat_but = Button(app, font = ("Arial Bold", 16), bg = "white", fg = "white", text = "X")
bheat_but.grid(row = 2, column = 10, sticky = W)
bwater_but = Button(app, font = ("Arial Bold", 16), bg = "white", fg = "white", text = "X")
bwater_but.grid(row = 2, column = 15, sticky = W)
# controller select button 
cont_select_but = Button(app, text = "Boiler", font = ("Arial", 16), fg = "red", bg = BUTTON_1)
cont_select_but.grid(row = 2, column = 18)
def cont_select():
# Sorry about use of global! (it's useful for lazy/stupid people like me.)
controller = cont_select_but.config('text')[-1]
if controller == "Boiler":
controller = "F/Room"
cont_select_but.config(text = controller)
elif controller == "F/Room":
controller = "13 Amp"
cont_select_but.config(text = controller)
IP = IP_13amp
elif controller == "13 Amp":
controller = "Boiler"
cont_select_but.config(text = controller)
cont_select_but.config(command = cont_select)
#update first immediately after prog is run
# calls a function after given time
def after(self, ms, func = None, *args):
"""call function after a given time"""
# updates screen every 10 seconds
def task():
root.after(10000, task)
# calls the screen update every 10 seconds
root.after(10000, task)
# kick off the window's event-loop