This page is in course of construction. It will show work by Ken and Len Rogers, Georgina Lowbridge, Karen Lilley, Antonia Gardner, Sarah Arnett amongst others (links here to their own sites). Another link to Sarah
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Links on this page… Ken Rogers, Len Rogers, Karen Lilley, Antonia Gardner, Georgina Lowbridge, Julian Rogers, The Future!
Portraits by Len Rogers

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Art from Georgina Lowbrige

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Portraits by Ken Rogers

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Textile designs by Ken Rogers

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Floral pictures by Ken Rogers

Tha Army WWII – Ken Rogers


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Travel posters

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Clockwise from top left: “Circle Painting 1”, Len Rogers, lino cut by Ken Rogers, “Circle Painting 2”, Len Rogers, still life Joan Rogers.

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Work by Theo Rogers (age two)

Work by Tegan Rogers (nearly five years)

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Pottery by Antonia (Toni) Gardner

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Glass from Karen Lilley
Keren is multi-talented! Her soft toys are absolute perfection and she also produces excellent stained glass panels. She employs a wide range of techniques to produce her beautiful glass ware from her studio near Bristol.

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Miscellaneous crafts from yours truly
Clockwise from top left: 1) Silver, Art Nouveau inspired, 2) copper and brass, 3) copper and enamel, 4) silver. Semiprecious stones cut and polished for items 2 and 3.

Five belts and buckles
Materials: leather, brass, copper and enamel. Bottom, heavy, 75 mm wide leather – almost sold to fairly well known (female) actor in early nineteen seventies. I priced it at £25 but it did not sell which was a bit of a disappointment as in those days, £25 would have kept me in beer and fags for a very long time! (I gave up cigarettes shortly after, probably no connection though).

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Chinese style cabinet
I started this in the early nineteen seventies and finished it (at the time of writing) a few weeks ago! The dragons are laser cut and engraved (tech not available fifty years ago!)

Clock inspired by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. The design on the face is acid-etched.

Acrylic box
“Black Hole” acrylic box. Flat pack design, all parts laser-cut.

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